Why I Started the Prediction Game.

I spend a lot of time thinking about the future. I'm guessing most mental health professionals would tell me that I spend too much time thinking about the future. Anticipatory Anxiety, you might call it.

On one hand, I think the future is absolutely terrifying. For one thing, it feels overwhelmingly large. It's like the feeling you get right after you've been to a planetarium and you've spent a little too long thinking about what an infinite universe actually means. But it’s not just large, it’s also completely mysterious, like learning about bioluminescent fish who live in such deep parts of the ocean that sunlight can no longer reach them. And to top it all off, it’s largely out of my control, like when you’re skiing down a mountain and you begin to feel like the speed is just getting away from you. 

On the other hand, the future also feels exciting. I love New Year's Eve. It's easily one of my favorite holidays. Putting aside the dancing, the drinks, and being with friends (all of which I love, and all of which I'll miss this year), I love New Year's Eve because it's like finishing that long-ass book you've had on your nightstand forever, and the excitement of knowing you get to start a whole new one. And that new book is nothing but potential. It's 365 pages of opportunities and fresh starts.

I spend a lot of time thinking about the future; the scary parts and the exciting parts. Last year, I began to think that maybe the two could complement each other, or at the very least, the excitement could cancel out some of the scariness. Maybe the future is largely outside of my control, but at least I can have some fun with that. It started at dinner conversations with friends around the holiday season. “What’s the craziest thing you think will happen next year?” or “Who do you think will really win that award?” I wanted to keep track of it to see how well we did.

So finally, I built a game. I launched The 2020 Prediction Game last year for a few friends and family. And well... needless to say things have not gone the way most of us predicted. But the game was really fun to play.

So, we're doing it again for 2021, and I'm thrilled to be doing it with Everything. Here's how it works:

1,000 Predictions

Over 1,000 people made predictions about what would happen in 2021. These predictions covered all sorts of topics, from business & tech, to global affairs, sports, and culture. Each of these has a set of points assigned to it, depending on how difficult it is to get it right.

Get Points, Win a Prize

We'll send you a quarterly newsletters on everything that has taken place throughout the year. We'll include some of our favorite predictions, and give you updates on who is on the leader board. At the end of the year, we'll add up everyone's points and the winner (or winners) will get the full balance of The Everything Index.

The Everything Index

The Everything Index is a fund made up of assets picked by some of Everything's brightest collaborators, writers, and friends. Each of these folks have chosen an asset they want to invest in, from Bitcoin to stocks, and even collectable comic books. $1,000 has been invested into this index and the winner of The 2021 Prediction Game will win however much the index is worth at the end of the year.

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Make predictions. Get points. Win a prize.


Founder of human machine & The Prediction Game